True. Funny. Dope.
What up,
Swiff D for those that dont know ( I mean you are on my page and all...). Those that know me, know my crew, know we have a CRAZY imagination. Well this particular piece comes fromChapter 2 of the bestselling book Somebody Done Told YOU Wrong, writen by myself of course. I titled this one, "Man...Im Broke". So here it goes...
Ways to find out of one of your friends is hittin the streets with no money:
1) (In a group discussion) Someone says, "Yaw hungry? Lets go get something to eat.." Everybody agree's but that one friend that says,"Man, im still full from earlier!"
2) Yaw out shoes/clothes shoppin and everybodylookin for stuff to buy, while yaw lookin around that one friend is on his phone checking his messages.
3) Yaw at the barbershop gettin' touched up, while you in the chair you over hear that one friendsaying "Nah im cool, I'll get that myself".
4) Everybody got that one friend that pants dont hit his shoes right, you already know what that means...
5) The bill for the food comes, and that one friend hits his pockets three different ways before he tells you he's tapped.
Bonus Material:
(One of my favorites) You got that one friend thatfacial hair grows in different when he is low on funds.
You meet your friends at a neutral area to go out together, and that one friend shows up with nothing but brown one from head to toe. (Coinsidence? You tell me)
Terms that are often used when broke:
"Maintainin'", "Posted at...",and last but not least, when someone asks how your doing you start off the answer with "....Shhh..."
Last Words:
"Everyday im hustlin'" -Rick Ross
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